Something Very Fishy


Sep 29, 2010 — UK (SUN) —

My thanks to Bhakta Harry for his transcription. It was almost the same as the police version.
However "Jason" is actually "Jyesta", who just happens to be my wife.
Also "banned" is actually "banked".
But otherwise, Harry's transcription is reasonably accurate.
[Corrections now made to original transcription. Ed.]
Thank you for giving your time, Harry prabhu.
I have been receiving feedback from other concerned people.
the society is NOT allowed to have £50,000 in petty cash.
the question begs to be asked…
just how long has this been going on?
Please remember that the UK ISKCON National Council quite categorically stated after an official internal enquiry…
"There is NO black economy at Bhaktivedanta Manor."
This was in reply to a previous query of mine (please read "The Sorry Saga", Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.)
The police also have the original copies of that correspondence.
So... the next question that begs to be asked is...
just where did all that cash come from?
And thirdly…
if £50,000 was found…
how much more has been funneled through the same channels?
Before or after.
And... perhaps most critically…
just where was all that cash going?
I have been told that the same players in this little drama,
i.e., the Accountant, Rukmini Ramana das,
the Director of Finance, Prana bhandu das,
and our beloved GBC director, Praghosa das,
are still in their respective positions.
It would be very interesting to see any of the official explanations from ISKCON UK.
Or even the report from ISKCON Mayapur.
I have sent copies of "Lend Me Your Ears Again", with the attached MP3 sound file, to all the Bhaktivedanta Manor management and to those ISKCON UK directors whose e-mail addresses I have.
I have sent a copy to HH Sivarama Swami, whose disciples are involved.
To date...
I have received NO reply.
Now why is that?


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