Getting to the Very Heart


Jan 18, UK (SUN) — As a regular reader of Rocana's articles and a well-wisher of the Sun, I wanted to comment on today's Talks by the Sampradaya Acarya. You know that kid's game where you hide something and as the other person tries to find it you give clues, "Warm, no cold, warmer, warmer, now you're hot." So I felt the following was Rocana getting red hot and getting to the very heart of what is the fundamental spiritual/philosophical malaise that has corrupted Srila Prabhupada's movement:

    "But as we'll find out in this lecture, "guru" is not just a generic term...And a bonafide Spiritual Master, Srila Prabhupada says, is one who has actually seen God. The discussion at hand is focused on whether or not Satsvarupa is a bonafide spiritual master. Has he seen God? Considering all the evidence put before us, it seems more than apparent that he is not a bonafide guru."

This is the great maya shattering answer to the $64,000 question and it applies not just to Satsvarupa - although rightly you have centered him out for special attention - it applies to all of the ISKCON 'gurus' who have had the unbelievable audacity to play the spiritual master role since day one. They are not God-realized, they are not self-realized, they are not masters of anything spiritual - they are simply not gurus. They do not have a Guru-Sastra-Sadhu leg to stand on. They operate and have their little gurudoms in ISKCON only because of the total nescience of the communities in which they work.

Your energy, your inspiration to challenge and topple corruption and misconception in the movement is laudable. I humbly encourage you to focus that great talent of yours, focus it like a laser, on this one issue - none of them are bona fide spiritual masters. It is the adi deviation that is at the heart of everything that has gone wrong. It may be obvious to you, I don't know, but the majority of devotees have gone along for the ride and their critical intelligence is lost. They need to be awakened, and you have their attention.

Your servant,

Vicaru das


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