Are You Embarrassed About This, Isvara dasa?


Jan 19, 2011 — USA (SUN) — In response to Isvara prabhu's recent statement in "Writing Offensive Materials", that TRUTHFUL postings about ISKCON MISleaders is embarrassing, I would like to ask Isvara prabhu if he finds lying, cheating, abuse, child molestation, drugs, and murder embarrassing?

For the record, Isvara prabhu, ISKCON has the WORST track record of ANY Vaishnava group. Does that embarrass you? Does the fact that ISKCON MISleaders have ALWAYS blatantly defied Srila Prabhupada embarrass you?

The fact that these MISleaders think they know better than Srila Prabhupada is the embarrassment.

Maybe you should research the history of ISKCON and how Srila Prabhupada has always been disrespected by these MISleaders! In addition, you and all of ISKCON are constantly claiming to be the only bona fide Vaishanvas... ISKCON does not allow Gurus or disciples of other groups to participate in any temple functions… that's not Srila Prabhupada's program. ISKCON has committed the biggest Guru aparadha and they are still doing so, all in the name of 'serving' Srila Prabhupada. In other words, liars are claiming to represent Srila Prabhupada and all they have done is spoil everything he ever worked for.

Amazing that you MISleaders are always having your meetings, as if you don't understand what you are supposed to be doing. I don't have that problem... the answers are in Srila Prabhupada's books. Why have you and the others chosen to ignore and change these teachings? You have no right to complicate and ruin others emotionally/spiritually because you are materially ambitious. That's why all of us are here. Some are here to serve Guru and Krishna… even if we are homeless. And those like yourself waste time calling others offensive to cover your own asses. If these MISleaders truly had a humble bone in their bodies they would have admitted defeat years ago instead of lying, cheating, banning honest devotees, and worse. Then we wouldn't be having this discussion.

So until you and all of the MISleaders that you speak of follow Srila Prabhupada strictly, exactly as he instructed, YOU are the embarrassment. You are an embarrassment to a pure devotee who has extended countless amounts of mercy to us all. It's embarrassing for me that so-called devotees dare to do what you are doing: supporting a dishonest group of millionaires who have proven time and time again that they ARE NOT bona fide. Nobody has to make up any stories against these MISleaders… all of the dirt on them was generated by them! So if you are embarrassed, why don't you ask these poseurs why they have lied, mislead, mistreated, cheated, engaged in criminal activity, etc., all in the name of the pure devotee Srila Prabhupada?

The actions of these MISleaders is what we are describing. It cannot be denied. It's a fact. So please ask them why they have chosen to embarrass all of us!!?

YS Bhakta Ronaldo


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