Florida Legislature Recommends Vegetarian Lunch Options


May 03, FLORIDA (FARM USA) — On April 25, the Florida House of Representatives enacted the Florida Healthy School Lunch Resolution (HR 9095) recommending a daily vegetarian school lunch option. (HPI note: A legislative resolution carries no weight of law, rather is advice or a recommendation from the legislators.)

HR 9095 states in part: "Whereas school children who identify themselves as vegetarian or vegan or are from families who avoid meat and dairy foods are currently at a disadvantage if no appropriate school lunch meals are offered in their respective schools, be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Florida that ... all school districts and parents of school children in the state are urged to emphasize the importance of and to provide plant-based diets consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes; including daily vegetarian entree options."

The resolution was introduced by Representative Susan Bucher at the request of FARM's CHOICE (of vegan school lunch) program headed by Susan Wieland. It follows on the heels of similar resolutions passed by Hawaii, California, and New York legislatures in recent years. For assistance in passing a similar resolution in your state, please contact Susan at info@choiceusa.net or 877-6CHOICE.


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