ISKCON Guru Who Thinks that you
Don't Need a Guru


Nov 23, 2014 — RUSSIA (SUN) — Things are getting interesting. Sacinandana Swami removed our YouTube video, linked from the previous post) with help of his friends from Maan Mandir. What are they hiding anyway? Sacinandana Swami's disciples are quite open on Facebook about the fact that he is siksa disciple/friend/admirer of Ramesh baba. Devotee should be straightforward, and if you like Ramesh baba, you should be proud about it, not trying to hide it. Or maybe this is special lila only for senior disciples of Sacinandana Swami who understand the mood of their spiritual master.

In case our video is removed again, please use Vidme link or you can download movie directly from dropbox. If you download movie directly, you'll need movie player, we recommend vlc (mac, windows, Linux). If none of these links work, contact us directly on Facebook, we will provide new link.

What is interesting is that Ramesh baba is actually not a disciple in any of the four bona fide sampradayas. Gaura prabhu asked on Facebook, "Who is Ramesh baba?" and the first logical question after that is, "Who is his guru?". Oops, this post is probably going to disappear soon from Facebook due to Sacinandana Swami's censorship. And because of that, we provided screenshots:

This question was asked to Deena Bandhu prabhu who is living in Vrindavan for many years and can be considered expert on these matters. Well, his answer is quite amazing:

Ramesh baba doesn't have a bona fide spiritual master. Hilarious. Then, how can you be a bona fide representative of Krishna if you don't have a spiritual master? Check his biography if you don't believe me. The next logical question is, "Why is ISKCON guru Sacinandana Swami associating with such a bogus sahajiya?"

Well, I guess having a proper guru is not so important. You can be an advanced devotee even without guru. Otherwise, why would Sacinandana Swami associate with Ramesh baba? Bg 4.34 says: "Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.". And another problem is that there are numerous other quotes from Srila Prabhupada about it. It seems that either Sacinandana Swami doesn't know our philosophy, or, more likely, is deliberately twisting it. Why did Sacinandana Swami take initiation from Srila Prabhupada, he could have simply come to Radhakund and associate with Ramesh baba? I guess he needed Srila Prabhupada on lower stages of his spiritual advancement.

We are such beginners that we are quoting from Bhagavad-gita, not from some esoteric sastra, but what can be done? We don't know any better since Srila Prabhupada didn't introduce us to Radharani yet. Rather, he gave us book distribution and harinam in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

So, what message is Sacinandana Swami sending to his disciples and followers? "Having a bona fide spiritual master is not so important. As long as you have Radha bhakti, you are ok". Then, why would anybody become a disciple of Sacinandana Swami? Why do we need guru at all? Let us all love Radha directly like Ramesh baba.

My humble suggestion is to stay at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers, because they are the ones who saved us from the darkness of ignorance. Since many ISKCON devotees are living in the western countries, we would never be saved by Ramesh baba because of his vow: "Shri Baba Ji Maharaj has vowed to stay in Braj and leave his body in Braj only. He has not stepped out of Braj in past 62 years." Srila Prabhupada also could have stayed in Vrindavan, but he didn't.

ISKCON doesn't need Ramesh baba and we don't need his bogus teachings. Sacinandana Swami is losing touch with reality and the purpose of ISKCON. Please stay outside of ISKCON. I would also beg the GBC to save us from this impeding disaster. Let us cut them off from ISKCON before it's too late. In my estimation of the political situation, the GBC will not do anything about this issue because there are many more ISKCON gurus who like to associate with various babas. The only thing left is that we choose our association carefully. And let us openly challenge Sacinandana Swami to refute this article on the basis of sastra.


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