A Non-envious Society of Devotees is Essential!


Oct 17, 2013 — MULBERRY, TENNESSEE, USA (SUN) — (It is Srila Prabhupada's vision.)

A society free from envy must start with the individual being exhausted from trying to find love in a self-centered world A burning concentrated desire must propel the individual to purify his existence. A profound desire to be free from envying others must dominate one's hope in this life. Krishna will guide from within to find fulfillment of that desire.

True freedom from envy in this world can only come when the individual is developing his love for Krishna. As Srila Prabhupada says, "Just be in love with Him and you will feel that you have everything". To feel that you "have everything" implies that you are becoming firmly established in your loving relationship with Lord Krishna, and are no longer interested in the world's offerings…not even profit, adoration or distinction.

Then, when you have this relationship flowing in ever fresh spiritual dynamics, you have become atmarama with Krishna…that is, fully satisfied, within yourself, overflowing with happiness and love for Him. What is the consequence of this? Complete disinterest in this world and all it has to offer… true freedom. Then actual freedom from envy will be the result.

What a gift you are to the world at this point… capable of delivering anyone and everyone, and with a burning desire to do so as well. All this is guaranteed possible simply through the teaching of Lord Caitanya… chant the Names, chant the Names…..

So if one truly has this genuine heartfelt desire to be free from envy, the individual should place himself in the proper association of like minded individuals for the completion of this most desirable state of Krishna Consciousness.

The spiritual world has not one envious soul participating in the splendid sweet concentrated pastimes of giving all happiness to Krishna. The envious must live in the material world to work out their karmic destinies, and resolve the disturbing material qualities that torture them. The tendency to be the lord and enjoyer must be demolished.

The non-envious of this world become eligible to return home… back to Krishna.

The establishing of a village, a village with these incredible goals, with only one aim, like that of Sri Vrindavan Dhama, is to give all service and happiness to Krishna. This must be established in this world for the sake of the world and the future 10,000 years.

So the choice is yours… remain in a partially selfish, partially surrendered, partial enjoyer spirit….or ….make the change! Remember, when you "have everything" you "have everything", then you have that "everything" to give to others who have nothing.

Thanks for letting me stir your thoughts…

Yours in Prabhupada,
your servant, always on call

Gadi das


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