Braja Bihari MUST GO...


Oct 04, USA (SUN) — Matsya`s Prabhu simplistic and naive outlook does not really provide the solution to the problem. The problem is that abusers like Gauri and Danurdhara were protected in ISKCON to the last end and breath by Braja Bihari dasa. And that finally led to the lawsuit against ISKCON.

Braja Bihari's protection of the abusers is a well documented fact in his own personal correspondence, which was posted by Balaram das in his recent article entitled, "Braja Bihari - the Cause of the Turley Lawsuit Against ISKCON". Braja Bihari had made that choice for himself, and now his karma is finally catching up with him.

There is an ISKCON Law which states:

    GBC Guideline on Child Abuse #1990-119 - CHILD PROTECTION GUIDELINE:

    122.3. All suspected or confirmed incidents of child abuse must be reported immediately to the local GBC secretary, and within thirty days, to the ISKCON Board of Education. The ISKCON Board of Education shall review the investigation and give a finding as to the status of the alleged perpetrator as confirmed, suspect, or innocent/not-suspected.

Any person who protects the abusers should be investigated and prosecuted if found guilty. Braja Bihari broke that law and he should be prosecuted according to the ISKCON Law. He should be made an example that it does not pay to protect the abusers in ISKCON, so that in the future people will think twice before they embark on that road.

He had a choice when he decided to protect the abusers, and likewise the young boys at present also have a choice to prosecute him to the full extent of the ISKCON Law, which will help them heal their wounds and enable them to move on in their lives.

My advice to the young boys is: GO GET HIM, TIGERS…..


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