Explanation for the Globe and Flat Plane


Feb 06, 2017 — MANCHESTER, ENGLAND (SUN) —

I would like to know if Mayesvara prabhu accepts the possibility that the Earth could be a globe to the external conditioned senses and a greater flat plane in the super reality. For instance, much as the Moon planet has heavenly buildings and heavenly beings living on it, unseen by material conditioned senses, or coming closer to Earth some persons detect and see ghosts and others never do.

As most of the devotees accept the existence of different planes and dimensions, why is this not the explanation for the globe and flat plane, and does this not reconcile things nicely? Could it be that Mayesvara is interpreting the 5th canto and dogmatically reading texts without the knowledge to understand fully the reality behind them?

I welcome the discussions on the topic. It's important for ISKCON to get things right, and crucial to our preaching.


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