Excerpted Notes on Isa dasa's Conversation
with Norman I. Perle
November 26, 1997

Isa dasa spoke with Norman Perle following his investigation of the segment of tape presented to him by Balavanta dasa. The following notes are a paraphrased summary of that conversation.

Perle: "I made a looped recording that was very severely filtered and enhanced....this is the first whisper that occurs around 5 minutes or so....my perception is that I don't hear the word poison."

"I also sent him [Balavanta dasa] a spectrogram, which was not the basis of my writing the words.....they support the interpretation I arrived at because there are certain patterns there. The pronunciation of the utterance of a "T" is called “implosive” because it just explodes in your mouth. "P"s are also implosives - they have a similar action."

"The first whisper comes somewhere around the conversation about milk, or it comes somewhere around stool and urine. It was a very specific area that Ogle [Balavanta dasa] pointed me to when he hired me."

"The reason I don’t feel compromised talking to you [Isa dasa] is because 1) you’ve already got someone talking about my results in a less than confidential matter, and 2) his [Balavanta's BBT version] tapes were garbage, and your DAT tape was superior, and I believe you when you said that’s what you called a first generation."

"I sent this tape to Ogle, the process loop I’m discussing with you. I gave him a report saying I don’t hear the word poison. I said as an independent service company, if I heard the word poison, I could get a lot of mileage out of it."

"Ogle says when he listened to my tape, he still heard the word poison. There is an academically accepted process called 'expectation of the listener'. My advice is to get 2 or 3 independent people, without coaching, to listen to this tape, then call me back. If you have 2 or 3 people who hear the word poison, I’ll go back over the tape with better equipment,....I don’t mind changing my mind."

"Get people to listen to my tape -- my enhanced tape -- the one Bill [Balavanta dasa] bought and has. This tape is significantly enhanced...because of my process....I would anticipate that an independent person hearing that would agree with my interpretation."

"I put in 10 or 12 accumulated hours on just this one area. As we sit here now, I remember the giggles, but I don’t remember putting the effort on that area, only on this one."

"I don’t know where this is going to go....the issue of authenticity is very important. I don’t believe, other than these whispers, I don’t believe it [the tape] has any integrity at all... it has been changed to alter the context of what was being said."

"Same thing with the attorney in Los Angeles [Mrgendra dasa].... I had the same thing, a tape recording [the appointment tape] that has covert starts and stops, where things have obviously been deleted....it has no integrity. Tape that’s been edited, you can't rely on what’s being asked, answered, etc. The copy has signs of major falsification. You can quote me, but I’m not going to field questions from anybody but Ogle."

Isa dasa: [discussing costs of further investigation] "What if you just spend an hour on one particular section?"

Perle: "An hour isn’t going to.....there’s at least three computers that have different levels of programming. In order to do that, I have to be able to put aside seven hours easily. After 20 or 30 minutes, my ears burn out.... It will take 7 to 10 hours."

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